Thursday, August 5, 2010

Federal Coffee Palace

The view from Elizabeth St.

Tucked into the side of the GPO building, this little cafe has a wide selection of fresh sandwiches, croissants and various pastries, as well as many gluten free treats for the coeliacs amongst us.  

The service was a little bit too keen for my liking, with waiters constantly hovering around our table, crossing the fine line between attentive service and just being an annoying interruption to lunch.  Being asked to pay whilst sipping on my coffee was a creepy experience. The waiter insisted on breathing over my shoulder and awkwardly suggested that I should probably pay for my coffee now.  A slightly unnerving experience which left me wondering whether he was in fact someone off the street trying to scam money from me.

The food was incredibly fresh though.  I enjoyed the fresh flavours of avocado, tomato and bocconcini on olive bread.  I have heard great things about all the little pastries and look forward to going back and trying some of these.   There appears to be a wide range of sandwich selections with all kinds of grainy, crusty breaded delights to try next time.  

Bread love. xx

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